PEOPEO: a remarkable company! - PEOPEO


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PEOPEO: a remarkable company!

June 1, 2021


We were delighted to be awarded the " Label Initiative Remarquable " by the Initiative France network. To help you understand what this means, here's an explanation of the selection criteria.

The Initiative Remarquable label reflects the Initiative France network's desire to recognize bold, innovative and socially responsible entrepreneurs who have a positive impact on their local area.

The label is intended for companies whose projects meet criteria of social, territorial and environmental responsibility and innovation. To obtain this label, we have concretely demonstrated our desire to have a positive impact through PEOPEO according to the following issues:

  • Territorial dynamism: PEOPEO contributes to local economic dynamism. It opens up new avenues in the region, strengthens existing sectors and rediscovers lost know-how. PEOPEO also contributes to the region's influence in France, Europe and the rest of the world.
  • Environmental commitment: PEOPEO is committed to preserving resources, managing and recycling waste, and combating global warming.
  • Social and societal commitment: PEOPEO creates jobs and develops its human capital. It contributes to the major challenges facing society. It involves its stakeholders, suppliers, customers and even third parties in its approach.
  • Innovation: PEOPEO is an innovator in terms of organization, market, management and technology.

Discover our philosophy in this video:

In deciding whether to award us the Remarkable Initiative label, the committee assessed us on the following aspects:

  • The solidity of our business model, which allows us to envisage a sustainable, sufficiently remunerative and potentially job-creating activity.
  • Our positive impact and its promising character as a young, developing company.
  • Our innovative dimension, our added value, the pioneering and exemplary nature of our activity in the sector and/or region.

We're very proud to have been awarded this label, which rewards and highlights all the efforts we make to create a business model and products that are as fair, responsible and reasonable as possible!

Offering users a responsible alternative means creating new know-how for tomorrow. The result of this commitment, driven by PEOPEO's expertise and passion, demonstrates that music, technology and eco-design can be one and the same.